Sex is Major Part of Human Life. Use Our recommendation to Keep your Body in Healthy way.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

10 Fruit Juices Good for Health

Not many people know that soursop fruit (also part of the soursop treeie leaves) keep hidden strength to fight cancer effectively than with treatment using medicines and chemo therapy. Unfortunately, the good news is covered up by one of world company who conduct research and wants research funding plus generous benefits go to the company, before the pharmaceutical raw materials from soursop fruit thrown into the world market. Apart from soursop fruit, there are many other fruits that have a great benefits for health. All fruits are also consumed it easier and more comfortable with processed into healthy fruit juice. 10 Fruit Juices for Beneficial to Health


10. Avocado juice

Avocado juice for health benefits include:

· elps formation of red blood cells

· Preventing anemia

· For pregnant women, folic acid content of avocados can stimulate brain development and the formation of the spinal cord.
· Controlling the bad fats (LDL cholesterol) and raise the good fats (HDL cholesterol)
· Prevent stroke. 
· Anti-wrinkle and ageless. etc.

09. Tomato juice 

Tomato juice for health benefits are:

· High antioxidant useful to defend the body from free radicals. 

· Content of lyopene in tomatoes could prevent prostate cancer.

· To maintain ideal body weight for those who are dieting to lose weight and may increase appetite for those who are raising the weight as well as in the recovery phase after illness.
· Preventing constipation.
· Glycogen levels can stabilize liver function, etc.

 Apple juice

One apple a day could save your life, this phrase seems to be true, the content of apples is very useful for healthincluding:

· Content of quercetin in apples may as anticancer and anti-inflammatory. 

· Content of pectin can help remove dirt buildup in the gut for so long.

· Can lower cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
· Can reduce appetite.
· Can treat headaches, etc.

 Strawberry juice

Strawberry juice for health benefits are:

· Contain ellagic acid, which act as antioxidants to counteract free radicals that enter the body.

· Can inhibit tumor cell growth in lung, breast, cervix.

· Can cleanse the body’s digestive system.
· Controlling cholesterol levels.
· Can reduce pain in joints, etc.

 Guava juice

Benefits contained in guava juice include:

· Can reduce cholesterol in the blood and lowers blood pressure.

· Can prevent thrush.

· Able to lose weight.
· Content of vitamin C in guava juice can relieve colds and coughs.
· Content astrigent can cure diarrhea.
· Can prevent bone loss in, etc.

 Kiwi fruit juice

Kiwi juice for health benefits include:

· Rich in vitamin C is useful for protecting the body from cancer cells.

· Rich in fiber can reduce constipation.

· Content of potassium helps regulate blood pressure.
· To prevent infection, premature aging.
· Very good for those who suffer from heart disease.
· Relieve cold and flu, etc.

 Mango juice

Mango juice for health benefits include:

· Can be as a disinfectant to cleanse the body and blood in the body.

· Rich in caretenoid that can mencegahh colon cancer and cervical cancer bone.

· Can rejuvenate the body’s cells.
· Can prevent body odor caused by bacteria, etc.

Noni juice

Although it tastes pretty bad, but noni juice or noni fruit dutch is very beneficial to health, including:

· Can boost the immune system.

· Can normalize / reduce blood pressure.

· Be able to fight tumors and cancer cells.
· Contains scopoletin which functions as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic.
· Very useful for the disease: hypertension, stroke, diabetes, migraine, vertigo, vaginal discharge, painful joints, etc.

 Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice for health benefits:

· Substances tannins can anesthetize roundworms, pinworms and tapeworms in the intestines and release it with feces. 

· Rich in vitamins A, C, E and folic acid good for pregnancy.

· Rich in antioxidants that help prevent blockages in the arteries caused by cholesterol.
· Prevent the occurrence of prostate cancer, etc.

 Soursop juice

A study published by The Journal of Natural Products mentioned that the soursop fruit as the “miracle fruit” that is very nutritious for health, including:

· Can effectively pick and choose the target bad cells from 12 different types of cancer, namely breast cancer, prostate, lung, colon, pancreas.

· Working 10 thousand times more powerful to postpone cell growth cancer than drug (andriamicin) or chemo therapy. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Natural Spices That Heat Up Your Sex Drive

Stress, exhaustion, hormonal fluctuations and less than optimal health can all leave you feeling less than your sexiest and just a little blah, which can adversely affect your sex life. So if you have been turning your partner down a little more in the bedroom that you’d like, perhaps it’s time to turn to some natural spices to turn the heat up.

1. Fennel

This licorice-flavored herb looks a little like celery with lacy fronds at the top. You can chop fennel stalks and add them to foods much like you would celery, or use the fronds to flavor foods. You can also grind the seeds as a spice. The ancient Egyptians used fennel to boost women’s libido, and it turns out there is a good reason it worked. Fennel contains chemicals that may increase sex drive. Fennel is also used to aid digestion, assist with lactation, and to loosen phlegm in bronchial passages. Okay, I admit I personally think licorice is just nasty, but if you like it it will be great for you to use for your benefit!

2. Cloves
This warming, slightly sweet spice increases blood flow and body temperature. Cloves also increase energy and ingesting them leaves you sweetly scented. All of these serve to create a powerful sexual attractant. Cloves are also high in omega-3 fatty acids, manganese, and vitamin K, and they contain eugenol, which serves as an antiseptic and mild anesthetic.

3. Saffron

These little yellow threads add flavor and color to the traditional rice dish paella. While saffron is expensive, a tiny bit goes a long way. Large amounts can result in overdose (so don’t take it as a supplement), but just a thread or two can increase sex drive, according to a 2011 University of Guelph study presented in the journal Food and Research International. Saffron also has antioxidant qualities and supplies selenium, zinc, potassium, and magnesium. Try making some saffron brown rice.

4. Fenugreek

The seeds of this plant are commonly found in curries, and other Indian cuisine. The spice itself has a warm, intriguing flavor. A Centre for Integrative Clinical and Molecular Medicine study conducted in 2011 showed that taking fenugreek increased the sex drive in low-libido men. Fenugreek may also help lower blood sugar levels in diabetics, and lactating women have used the spice for decades to increase milk production. Fenugreek seeds are also one of the easiest seeds to sprout, and one of my personal faves.

5. Garlic

It always makes me chuckle when I include garlic on a list of sex-enhancing foods. After all, people on dates often avoid garlic because they don’t want to kill the mood with smelly breath when the evening turns to romance. Still, regardless of how it makes your breath smell, the high levels of allicin in garlic improves blood flow to your sexual organs, and that’s a turn on. So what’s more important??? There’s always parsley for your breath. Garlic is also great for your heart, and it has anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties.

6. Cardamom

The ancient healing art of Ayurveda recommends cardamom for low libido. This spice contains high levels of cineole, which increases blood flow to the male and female sexual regions. That may increase desire. Cardamom also balances doshas (Ayurvedic body energies), and has detoxifying properties. I use cardamom in my home-made chai teas.

7. Nutmeg

Another sweetly scented spice, nutmeg has long been used in Indian culture as a very popular libido booster. In Africa, many people refer to nutmeg as “Viagra for women.” Researchers at the Aligarh Muslim University in Aligarh, India tested nutmeg as an aphrodisiac using animal studies and found that it did, indeed, increase sexual behaviors. It is great sprinkled on top of sweet potatoes.

8. Basil

This sweet herb has a pleasant taste and stimulating scent that is known to increase sex drive. In fact, Italians call Basil “Kiss me Nicholas,” and ancient Greeks served basil to horses to before they bred them. Many attribute basil’s sweet scent with its sex-boosting properties, so take a heady whiff and see if it doesn’t get you in the mood!

9. Cayenne

It only make sense that hot peppers will cause a little sizzle in the bedroom. Cayenne and similar hot peppers not only heat up the body, but they also speed metabolism and increase blood flow to sensitive areas. Eating cayenne also gives you an attractive, flushed appearance, which may help heat things up for your partner, as well. Cayenne may also be beneficial to heart health, and could help you lose weight by firing up your metabolism.

10. Ginger

How much do I love ginger? This warming herb comes from the root of the ginger plant, and it imparts a spicy, slightly sweet flavor and scent. Like garlic, ginger increases blood flow, especially to the sexual organs. It also warms you up, and it smells a lot better than garlic. Many cultures have used ginger as an aphrodisiac, and Dr. Mehmet Oz confirmed it on a recent show, when he listed ginger as one of his top 4 libido boosters. Ginger is also high in potassium, magnesium, and copper. It is a great anti-nausea substance, and has anti-inflammatory effects.


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